Ⓤ ViaNmulti
Millenary cross of arcane root, followed by its many presence in the pre-colonial Andean period, the Chakana, now celebrates Andean heritage as a whole in Peru.
Its surviving name comes from the Quechua word root, [(Chakay):to bridge], it unites all realms between the heavens and the underworld, love, virtues, work. Or, an amassment of self-enlightenment. If it were a person,
now a cross bore within Peruvian populist pride, then now Chicha must be its hymn. Its purpose is to exist intact and one despite evolving through all times and places, trailing through paths between Lima and rural Peru, unifying divorced counterparts. Chicha, a visual language based on longing and emotional split, what happens when it is further pushed to its ethereal side through digitization?
Posters exploring the peruvian chicha aesthetic digitally. Its conceived rooted in Andean pride.
A book divided into two parts, each holding two sections.Four in all. Discussions pertaining to how Andean heritage passed from the margins of Peruanidad to its core dual component, and how to evolve and invest into the arts in contemporary times, post-colonial.